Sunday, 6 November 2011

Arashi's Android AU commercials - All 60 patterns in one video!

 I see that they are trying to set a world record with 60 commercials but seriously it will be a huge problem if someone needs 60 commercials to teach them what is Android au all about.

The World Records set by Arashi:

1.“Most versions of a TV commercial for the same product broadcast within 24 hours – Free-to-air (Terrestrial TV)” – 60 Android au commercials were broadcast on January 27

2.“Most versions of a TV commercial for the same product broadcast within 8 hours – non Free-to-air” – 60 Android au commercials were broadcast from 00:00 to 08:00, January 27 on Space Shower TV

3.“Most versions of a TV commercial for one product broadcast in a single 30 minute programme” – 12 Android au commercials were broadcast during “Music Lovers”, 23:30 – 24:00, January 30.

Honestly I haven't watch these 60 videos, I put here some with most Matsujun does the talk, enjoy  !

Source : aramatheydidnt

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